We are at the halfway point
I’m writing this with the cross at Lonesome Dove Ranch in my line of sight. So much healing has already happened on these premises and at the foot of this cross this summer. The campers from camp 3 just processed out, and we are readying the place for the start of camps 4, 5, and 6 over the next few weeks.
Today marks the halfway point, and we are about 90% funded for the summer. We only need $19,000 more to have the budget completely raised. To say “thank you” to those who have given and to show the “return on investment,” I was granted permission by one adoptive family to share their letter. Their campers were at camp 2. Mom writes:
Dear Lonesome Dove Ranch Family,
At times “thank you” doesn’t seem adequate to express our appreciation, and this is one of those times. I appreciate you providing camp for foster children, but I especially appreciate your providing this opportunity to children that have been adopted from the foster system too.
A lot of change has happened in our home due to my husband taking a job in South Carolina. When we went to SC to find a house, etc., one of our three boys (that we’ve adopted from foster care) said, “There don’t seem to be kids like us here.” I asked them to explain, and he said, “Adopted.” I assured them that there are adopted kids all over the United States; they just haven’t met any in SC yet. We also discussed that “adopted” is only one of the many attributes that makes them the amazing people that they are.
It made me realize that the journey doesn’t stop when a foster child moves from “orphaned” to adopted. The title just changes. It will always be a part of their identity, but with experiences like Lonesome Dove camp, both the adopted and the fostered child can be shown that that is just a part of a bigger plan/journey/identity that God has in store for them. For a few days of camp, these kids get to experience that they are loved and cherished by others and God, and they are made perfectly and with purpose in God’s sight.
Thank you SO much for giving each of these children an opportunity for them to see themselves beyond being fostered or adopted for a few days. Although camp is a few days, the impact far exceeds that.
Colby’s confidence was beyond boosted having caught 90 fish. As we are driving to SC to make it home, his brother keeps telling everyone we meet that he caught 90 fish in two days at Lonesome Dove Ranch, so every gas station and fast food restaurant worker from TX to SC is going to know about Lonesome Dove Ranch:)
Thanks again!
Anissa (Mom)
What an encouragement! And yes…Colby really did catch 90 fish! His counselors counted. It’s not just a fisherman’s tale 🙂 God’s grace, your generosity, and the incredible volunteer team at the ranch are making immediate spiritual, emotional, relational, and psychological differences in these kids. Would you consider helping us cross the finish line in our funding? Only $19,000 of $180,000 to go!
For the broken,
Dr. Bryan Jarrett
P.S. If you would like to use traditional mail, make your check out to:
“The Water Tower Network” and send it to PO Box 99 Wylie, Texas 75098. (The Water Tower Network is the charity that owns and operates Lonesome Dove Ranch.)
If you want to give online, visit our giving page: lonesomedovetexas.com/give